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Free online portfolio review

1 hour portfolio review with valuable tips - free of charge

1 Std
free of charge


English description - German below: Please feel free to suggest your desired date in my calendar. I will try to meet your request or I will reliably contact you about a terminal alternative. As part of the approximately one-hour online portfolio review, you'll show me your photography. I will tell you what you did well from my subjective point of view and how you could take your next steps forward. Together we will work out where your specific interests are and will develop strategies how you can raise your photography and image processing skills to a new level (in terms of conception, practice of photography, image processing, online and "offline" presentation options for your results, self-marketing, ..). We will look at best practice examples of successful photographers and derive recommendations for future action. And the best thing is: This online coaching is completely free of charge for you and not tied to any additional conditions. Duration: approx. 1 hour ******************************* German description: Please suggest your desired date in the calendar without obligation. I will try to meet your request or I will contact you reliably for a terminal alternative. During the approximately one-hour online portfolio review, you show me your photography. I tell you what you have done well from my subjective point of view and show you development possibilities. Together we will work out where you want to go and develop strategies to take your photography and image editing to a new level (conception, practice of photography, image editing, online and "offline" presentation possibilities for your results, self-marketing, ... We will look at best practice examples of successful photographers and derive recommendations for action. And the best thing is: This online coaching is completely free of charge and not bound to any additional conditions. Duration: approx. 1 hour

Rebooking & Cancellation

Für Stornierungen / Umbuchungen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte mindestens 48 Stunden im Voraus. Im Übrigen gelten die Bestimmungen unserer AGBs, einsehbar unter

Contact details


Wimhölzelstraße 2/11, Linz, Austria

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