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Photography is painting with light

EIKONAS Photography: Ich bin ein begeisterter und leidenschaftlicher freiberuflicher Fotograf aus Österreich / Europa. In den frühen 1980er Jahren erhielt ich von meinem Vater eine Spiegelreflexkamera geschenkt, eine kleine Minolta X700. Mit dieser habe ich begonnen, (Landschafts-) Bilder aufzunehmen.


After a break of two decades the passion for photography has grabbed me anew: Since 2009 I have been specializing in People / Female Beauty and have been living my dream ever since. In the meantime I have been published internationally and have received awards. The brand name of my company EIKONAS is (ancient) Greek and means "(The Striving) for Images".


My depiction of female beauty is characterized by respect and appreciation for my models. Beauty does not unfold in the mere display of an "object", but by building an appreciative connection with the subject, the partner on the other side of the lens. I usually show my models in a very natural, unagitated, allureless, proud and full of natural beauty. My understanding of beauty is based on my appreciation for authenticity and simplicity, for immediacy and truthfulness of the simple being as an aesthetic and self-confident individual.


Can my photographic style be defined? First of all: I love colours. And I like the sensual softness of an open aperture and the play of light and shadow. And I love the moment, the soul and the naturalness. I love to play with the available light. The most important thing for me is to remain free in my creative process. I paint and model with light - photography.


Mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung gebe ich gerne und regelmäßig im Rahmen von Veranstaltungen (Masterclasses, Workshops, Gruppen- und Einzelcoachings, Videotrainings, Purest Academy)  persönlich und online weiter. Ich lade euch herzlich ein, gemeinsam mit mir „mit Licht zu malen“.

EIKONAS Photography - Workshops für sinnliche Aktfotografie


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